You Are Pathetic

Getting started

March 19, 2018

The other morning, I woke up, and said out loud to myself:


Those loving words really came out of my mouth, and I say loving, because when you get to the point where you say such a mean thing to yourself before your alarm clock has had a chance to shake your body awake and before the sun has had a chance to make eye contact with your pupils, you know something really delicious is about to happen.

You know you are so totally and completely over your BS and talking about your BS and believing in your BS that something has got to give.

I’ve wanted to start my own podcast for a while, but I made every single available excuse not to. The excuses, actually, were the same ones I used about why I didn’t date when I was still single.

I’m busy

I’m picky

I’m not good enough

I don’t know how

Who is going to actually like me?

And I kept saying these things out loud to other people who didn’t give into it at all. Every time I said it, people would say, Jen, come on, you’re being silly.

And I’d laugh and think the silliest part of it all was how much people believed in me and how little I believed In myself.

So I bought a microphone but I kept it in the box.

And I told people I haven’t touched it yet because the sound of my voice makes me squeal and then I realized it was less about the sound of my voice and more about the pathetic things I said to myself, and to others, that bothered me.

So the other day, I told myself I was getting too pathetic, and I told myself that the most unpathetic thing I could do would be to unbox the microphone, sit on my couch, beside a stranger, press the record button, and do something about it.

My dear friends, I’ve recorded close to 8 interviews so far. The YOU’RE NOT GETTING ANY YOUNGER podcast launches on April 1st, 2018, the same day my not so pathetic self-turns 30.

And I’m excited about it. But I’m more excited for you.

What will you do to show yourself just how unpathetic you are?

Because you, you too, are not getting any younger. Because I am so totally cheering you on.

Love (always),
Jen Glantz 

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Hey! I’m Jen Glantz

I’m a Brooklyn-based writer and entrepreneur who turned a Craigslist ad into a viral business & a six-figure empire. I host a podcast, write newsletters, and create odd jobs. I'm here to help you live, think, and take adventures that tap into your wildest dreams and remind you that: You're not getting any younger.






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