Come on, admit it. It, it, it.
Those bad habits. The ones you grunt out loud about, roll your eyes at and get all fussy when you find yourself doing them again + again + again.
My bad habit? Not standing up for myself. Letting the moment pass and then standing on the street corner stomping my feet wishing I said something else – wishing I said anything at all.
TWO things happened to me last month (one at a clothing store and one at Whole Foods) where I either a) didn’t stand up for myself and lost a lot of money and b) did stand up for myself but was so aggressive about that I was almost escorted out by security. The REAL (embarrassing) story here.
Anyway, I’m working on it. I really am. But I recently read that to realllllly change a habit it takes 60 days. Which is enough time to have your brain and your memory change but for you to also grow bored and give up.
I want you to know that all of your work toward change is paying off. Even if your bad habit still haunts you every now and then, perhaps it haunts you less. Perhaps you did one, two, twelve tiny things to change, and by the end of the year, that old habit will be history.
This is all to say that you are doing a great job at big things even if today it all feels so small.
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